The Tower Card in Love


In Zarazombo tarot, the Tower card is associated with upheaval, change, and chaos. It can indicate that a major upheaval or change is coming in your love life. This change could be sudden and may feel uncomfortable or scary, but it is ultimately a necessary part of your growth and development.

It could mean that you are about to embark on a new phase in your relationship, or that an existing relationship is ending. In either case, the Tower card suggests that you should be prepared for significant change and be ready to let go of the past. It may also indicate that you need to let go of a particular mindset or attitude that is no longer serving you in your relationship.

The Tower Card in Tarot - Love and Romance

The Tower card is a powerful and often unsettling card that can indicate major changes and upheaval in one’s life. In the context of love, the Tower card can indicate that a significant change or transformation is coming in your relationship.

This change could be sudden and may feel uncomfortable or scary, but it is ultimately a necessary part of your growth and development. It could mean that you are about to embark on a new phase in your relationship, such as getting married, moving in together, or starting a family. It could also indicate that an existing relationship is coming to an end, whether through breakup or divorce.

The Tower card often signifies the end of a particular way of life or mindset, and it can indicate that you need to let go of certain beliefs or attitudes that are no longer serving you in your relationship. It can be a difficult card to interpret, as it often signifies a time of uncertainty and upheaval.

However, it is ultimately a card of growth and transformation, and it suggests that you should be open to change and be ready to embrace new opportunities that come your way. So, it is a very important card to pay attention to when it appears in a tarot reading.
